Tuesday 1 May 2012

Easy Shower Head Cleaning Tip

Most of us might clean our shower/bathroom regularly, but what about the shower head? It's often a tricky one, especially with all the nooks and crannies it might have depending on the type of shower head you have.

A quick and easy way to clean the shower head, especially to remove any built up residue, is to tie a bag full of vinegar over the shower head. Use rubber bands or sandwich bag ties to secure the bag. Leave for a while, then remove and rinse off. Leave it on for as long as is necessary, but 24hrs will certainly do the trick. See here for a picture.

For a faster clean, add 1/2 a cup of baking powder to the vinegar and leave the bag over the shower head for about an hour or until the bubbling stops. Remove and rinse. The bubbles are carbon dioxide from the vinegar and baking powder reaction. Make sure it can get out of the bag.

Enjoy your sparkly clean shower head!

Do you really want a new shower head? Visit ibath.com.au and order a new shower head for fast delivery anywhere in Australia.

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